Midi device with a Teensy 2.0 board?

Hello all, I am a long time user of arduino but I have stayed in the beginner stage :slight_smile: so I need some advice before buying anything.
I have seen that the teensy boards are arduino compatible, I know this is not the teensy place but...
I was planning to modify a drum machine without any midi or any kind of sync function to trigger each voice thanks to midi and arduino. But I have seen the teensy boards which are available in my town and are cheaper and super tiny and with an usb plug.
So my question is, can I use the spikenzielabs Serial_midi lib to connect a teensy board and communicate using midi through usb?
Any help will be super welcomed.

Yes you can use that. But even better you can program up the teensy to look like a USB MIDI device.

No way! (sorry i am french and I learn english from movies :slight_smile: )
So, what you mean is that I wouldn't need a lib to make the teensy board act like an USB/MIDI device?
If this is right that means that the teensy is much cooler than I thought.
Could you describe shortly how such a thing can be done? Is it a lib I call in the beginning of my code or some kind of "mode" that I need to switch the board to?

Could you describe shortly how such a thing can be done?


Thanks a lot.
This is marvelous!

I have always written some really ugly code to make midi devices. It worked one time out of two and I needed a LOT of debugging before having something more or less in the fields of what I had planned in the beginning. Those simple lines in the page you just provided to me (and that I could have found if only I wasn't such an idiot) are going to change my world. Thanks again.