Midi dub siren. Am I right?

I have akai mpd16. One idea was to use siren sound generator and controllit with midi.
Another one was that I controll samples
Someone recomended MIDI controller -> Arduino -> PWM output +R/C -> use analog output and you can controll whatever you wan't . Am I right Midi input for arduino -> pwm output with R/C-> analog output

If i'm getting it right. Midi controller with adurino sends to output differnent pwm. That way I can manipulate sounds with midi controller. I need to make midi in for adurino and jack for output...Or I put sound generator to the output...? If I use mpd16 usb output I don't need to make midi input ? Then I don't know how to make midi input If I wanna make another midi module.
I dont wanna sampler. Push the button and play the sound. No no... Something like a cheaper synthesisers. I have sound and I play it like a pinao.

I'm thinking more.
MIDI controller -> Arduino -> PWM output -> analog input for sound triggers and bends etc for dub siren.