I'm looking for a little help with the code on my midi controller project. I have a midi breakbox box connected to my 2560 board, running 16 switches, programmed to specific Midi cc's. All credit goes to Dave from Notes and Volts, which is just amazing to get me where I am today. I've attached the code for the project, which can be found here: Arduino MIDI Controller: Part 2 - Buttons - YouTube
What I did was add a midi break out box with an in and out, and I'm trying to figure out how to add the code that will pass/merge midi in data to midi out. Everything that goes out works perfect, and I'm really just trying to pass (add/merge) midi clock from the PC to and thru the arduino, merge that data with what the arduino controller does.
Any help, I would truly appreciate. I've tried a few different things, but no clock data is getting through.
MMC-505v1.ino (8.81 KB)