MIDI in: hardware works, software has a bug

I put together an small midi-interface according to the notes in Arduino Playground - MIDILibrary

The test program works, and now I wanted to use my midi keyboard to drive my Atari Punk Console

through midi. I successfully patched the APC through arduino, so I now what pins to change etc. The thing is:

It will only succeed once, then the program crashes. Also it won't work on the first try. I have to bash the keyboard till I get "lucky" and then it could be any key that would have worked.

basically I just set some analogue pins to make other sounds

void setnote5() {
  analogWrite(audioPin1, 127);
  analogWrite(audioPin2, 100);
  analogWrite(audioPin3, 255);

and then the mainloop checks for midi notes and maps the notes:

void loop() {
  if (MIDI.read()) {                   
    switch(MIDI.getType()) {            
      case NoteOn:
        switch(MIDI.getData2()) {
         case 36:
         case 37:
         case 38:
         case 39:
         case 40:
      case NoteOff:

What is wrong in this simple code? Sometimes it will really set the pins to the right voltages, but only once, and also a random note.

Thanks for any input