Hey there,
I have something strange is going on with my bytes when i read the second byte from MIDI inputs. When I set noteByte to a specific Number like
byte noteByte = 62;
the frequency is played but when i do this with hairless midi or a midi in over tx rx i can't multply the NoteByte. It just gave me the major C frequencies:
byte commandByte;
byte noteByte;
byte velocityByte;
long freq;
long tuning = 440.0; // Equal Tuning A4=a'=440.0Hz n = Midi Note Number
const PROGMEM byte noteOn = 144; // 1001 & 0000 = 8 bytes = 144
const PROGMEM byte noteOff = 128; // 1000 & 0000 = 8 bytes = 128
void checkMIDI(){
do {
if(Serial.available() > 2) {
commandByte = Serial.read(); //read first byte
noteByte = Serial.read(); //read next byte
velocityByte = Serial.read(); //read final byte
//if note on message (Key Pressed)
if (commandByte == noteOn){
if (velocityByte > 0 && noteByte > 0) {
//Formula to connect MIDI-Note Number with Base Frequency (Tuning also possible) Midi Tuning standard
// Equal Tuning t=A4=a'=440Hz n = Midi Note Number
// f = t * 2 ^ ((n - 69) / 12)
freq = tuning * pow(2,(noteByte - 69) / 12);
//if note off message
if (commandByte == noteOff) {
} while (Serial.available() >= 2); //when at least three bytes available
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
But if If you do a check with if like this:
if (noteByte == 60) {
or like:
if (noteByte == 53) {
the noteByte gets read correctly in an if comparrison. But when you want to multiply it like:
freq = tuning * pow(2,(noteByte - 69) / 12);
It just doesn't get right. I have tried to change the variable type convert it and so on but every time couldn't multiply it to get the right frequency on the right noteByte when played...
To check against you could try to set the noteByte manually:
noteByte = 53; // 0-127
And in this case it works and play every tone pre entered but not when it read the Byte from Midi.
If there was a problem with the midi connection it wouldn't have worked when you compare it in an if clause...
Does someone know how or why this strange behaviour happens?