MIDI Input on Arduino Due

Hey there,

I'm trying to build an Arduino-based midi controller. One of the features of my controller is a display for showing the actual current values of the controlled parameters.

Therefore I have implemented a midi-in on my controller by using the schematic shown in this thread:

This works just fine with my Arduino Duemilanove.

By now I am switching my board to an Arduino Due for better performance on my TFT screen.

And here is my question:
Can I use the same schematic for the midi-input on my due? I'm just a little bit affraid of breaking the input pin on my due, because it only can handle 3.3 V and not 5 V like the duemilanove.

I'm a total newbie when it comes to hardware and electronics, so it would be very nice if someone could tell me if this will work, or if I have to use other resistors then shown in the schematic.

Thanks a lot!

It should work but do not connect the 3K3 resistor to 5V connect it to 3V3.

However do not use TX & RX 0, as this is connected to the USB converter. use one of the other TX & RX pairs.

Sounds good!

But I don't know if I can use another serial input. I'm using the arduino MIDI library and I don't know if I can choose the serial i/o pair to use.

Thank you for your reply!