midi keypad4x4 mega 2560

i'm a novice i'm trying to learn and set up an old keypad 4x4
as midi controller using arduino mega 2560
loading adafruit keypad text example keypad works perfectly (serial monitor)
digital pin 2 3 4 5 - 8 9 10 11
how can i convert signal into midi note ?
could someone help me?
many thanks.

K8.ino (988 Bytes)

K8.ino (988 Bytes)


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Do you already have the necessary MIDI in/out hardware? Or are you thinking of MIDI over USB, in which case you probably have the wrong Arduino. There is a lot of code which shows how to send MIDI e.g. the examples with the MIDI.h library. Basic_IO will give you most of what you need.

You can already get a different character for each key and you know when it is pressed and released. Translating the character into a MIDI note number is trivial and key pressed = MIDI Note ON, key released = MIDI Note Off. Give it a try.


my idea was midi over usb
I've tried to upload this code
keypad works but not completely because of 4x3 keypad and other advanced options
in use for the midinator project

You could try this example: NoteButtonMatrix.ino
