Ive searched the forum and internet for too many days without finding any answer...
Im making my own DIY midi foot-controller (using Teensy with Arduino software), and just want two buttons
(a lot like the TC Electronic G-minor) for changing presets up and down on my TC Electronic Nova System.
Ive managed to send ProgramChanges to select a specific preset, but nothing more...
Looking thru the manual of the G-minor it says Ctrl. 82 and 83, but I have not managed to send that specific
message to the Nova System. Im not sure how to write the code:
MIDI.send(CC, 83, 0, 1); // ????
MIDI.send(CC, 83, 127, 1); // ????
It only receives midi messages (blinks) and just sits there staring at me :~
What is the midi message I need to send to my Nova System to change preset up and down?
Is there any? Or is there a code combination to increase/decrease ProgramChange?
And to the programmers out there; how do I write it?
Whats the code?
Ive used too many hours searching around, all suggestions are sooo welcome