Midi Rx Problems

Hi guys :slight_smile: , I'm having some problems with the reading process of Midi packets with the MIDI.h library.
My goal is to send and receive midi data separately, and I managed to do it. But my problem is that when I receive data on Arduino, the Arduino send out the same data that had received, and I don't understand why.
If anyone have some ideas about how to stop the Arduino to send back the data, I will appreciate some tips. Thanks.

This is the codes I'm working on, that consist in sending out the values of 4 potentiometers and receiving 4 values for turning green or red 4 bicolor led.

#include <MIDI.h>


//------------------NUMBER OF CONTROLS------------------
byte nLeds = 4;
byte nButtons = 4;
byte nPots = 4;

int Pot[]{A7,A6,A5,A4};
int Button[]{4,5,10,11};

int LedG[]{2,6,8,12};
int LedR[]{3,7,9,13};

byte potLastState[4];
byte potCurrentState[4];

int i = 0;

// Metro Variables

void setup() {


  for (int i; i<4; i++) {
    pinMode (Button[i],INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode (LedG[i],OUTPUT);
    pinMode (LedR[i],OUTPUT);

void loop() {

void potUpdate() {

    potCurrentState[i] = map(analogRead(Pot[i]),1023,0,0,127);
    if (potCurrentState[i] > potLastState[i] + 1 || potCurrentState[i] + 1 < potLastState[i]) 
       MIDI.sendControlChange (i, potCurrentState[i], 1); 
      potLastState[i] = potCurrentState[i];
    //else digitalWrite(LedG[i],LOW);
    if (i==4) i=0;

void MyHandleControlChange(byte channel, byte number, byte value) { 
 if (channel==2) {

    switch (number) {
      case 0:
        if (value<63) {digitalWrite(LedG[0],HIGH); digitalWrite(LedR[0],LOW);}
        else {digitalWrite(LedG[0],LOW); digitalWrite(LedR[0],HIGH);}
      case 1:
        if (value<63) {digitalWrite(LedG[1],HIGH); digitalWrite(LedR[1],LOW);}
        else {digitalWrite(LedG[1],LOW); digitalWrite(LedR[1],HIGH);}
      case 2:
        if (value<63) {digitalWrite(LedG[2],HIGH); digitalWrite(LedR[2],LOW);}
        else {digitalWrite(LedG[2],LOW); digitalWrite(LedR[2],HIGH);}
      case 3:
        if (value<63) {digitalWrite(LedG[3],HIGH); digitalWrite(LedR[3],LOW);}
        else {digitalWrite(LedG[3],LOW); digitalWrite(LedR[3],HIGH);}
else {};

Try adding this line in setup() after MIDI.begin()MIDI.turnThruOff();

It's working correctly, thank you! :slight_smile: