So I'm doing a project for my class wherein my Akai MPK49 MIDI Controller sends MIDI to the Sparkfun MIDI Shield, and thus to my Arudino Uno. It'll then process that data based on what pitches are received. I also want to simultaneously control Logic so that one can hear the piano sounds played by the MPK49. Apparently, the MPK49's MIDI Out Port sends MIDI Data from the computer when connected via USB. My questions(s) is/are, how do I get the MIDI notes I'm playing in Logic to go out the MIDI Out Port? I've looked into using the Audio Midi Setup Utility, and I think all I have to do is setup a new device, and connect the virtual cables to the MPK49's Port 2, then select it in Logic as the output of the Software Instrument Track.
Also, I'm not quite sure how to get the MIDI Data coming in from the Sparkfun Shield's MIDI In Port to the Arduino. I've read that the MIDI In Port on the Shield is directly connected to the RX pin. Should I just connect a pin to both RX pin slots? How does that factor into the code?
I don't know the MPK49 and Logic, but for each DAW it must be same:
If you plug your MPK49, it must be recognized as a MIDI IN and MIDI OUT port by Logic.
For each MIDI pattern you make, you should be able to choose MIDI IN / OUT of the pattern (choose the IN and OUT of the MPK). And if you click the monitoring button of the pattern (I think there is always a monitoring button), all that is coming from MIDI IN (the keyboard) will be send to MIDI OUT.
I don't understand your other question : If you got the shield, you just have to listen to the MIDI port of the shield with the midi functions. If you don't have the shield, you can build a MIDI IN plug by connecting to RX and plugging an opto isolator.
Hmm. I'm looking at Logic right now, and I can't seem to see a spot to select the MPK49's ports. The only time I see that is if I create an External Midi Track, but I want to send the data from me playing a Software Instrument keyboard patch in real time, not a predetermined external midi track. Could you elaborate a little more on what you mean?
As for my other question what I mean is the shield doesn't inherently connect to the Arduino. The MIDI in port is already connected to the RX pin on the shield itself. But then how do I connect that to the Arduino? Right now I just have a pin stuck through the RX pin on the shield into the RX pin on the Arduino.
I'm also not sure what port the midi functions are listening to. Is it listening just to my USB cable? I'm thinking the way I want to use it, I would have to specify the RX pin on the Arduino as the Port to be listened to (i.e. port MyPort = pinRX). Basically, I want the signal flow to be:
Press Key on MPK49 -> Synth patch in Logic -> MPK49 MIDI OUT -> MIDI shield -> Arudino UNO -> Arduino App
In every DAW, a MIDI track can receive data from an input (you can imagine that most of people don't write the music with a mouse, but play it with a keyboard !!)
I could see in the link below that, in a MIDI track you could choose between 3 buttons "R", "M", and "S". "R" must be record button (it records your Input), "M" must be monitor (that's what I told you to use : the MIDI data coming from input is played on output), and "S" is Solo.
So you can create a MIDI track, plug your keyboard, select it as the MIDI input, select its output as the track MIDI output, and click on "M".
Your MIDI out is plugged on MIDI IN of your Shield.
I really don't understand what is your problem with the shield. The RX pin on arduino is the Serial receive connector. If you have a MIDI shield, you just have to plug it on the top of the arduino. RX pin of the shield = Rx pin of arduino, D1 pin of the shield = D1 pin of arduino, etc...
The thing about that video is he has a separate midi interace. My keyboard IS my interface. So how does that work? Also, M is mute, I is input monitoring, and has nothing to do with external MIDI tracks, as it's only available for Audio Tracks.
Thanks for clearing up the info on the shield. That puts me in the right direction.
Sorry, the "M" is the mute button. So you can try to use the record button, sometimes it plays the input to the output. If not, you have to find the monitoring mode.
Ok, crossposts
I didn't speak about the video but the screenshots of external midi. You must considere your keyboard as an external midi controller. There is a Midi input coreeponding to the keyboard, and wgich is like every midi interface. You have to find the equivalence of audio monitoring, but for the midi.