MIDI thru with expression input

Hello everyone, I'm pretty sure this is my first post. I've been tinkering with Nano boards and serial MIDI for a little while, but there's one thing I haven't been able to figure out. I'm looking for an example or instruction on making a single-pot expression controller, that can take a 10k ohm expression pedal trs input, convert it to MIDI CC, and also pass MIDI from another 5-pin MIDI controller. I've got a basic understanding of sketch setup, libraries, void loops, etc, but I'm having trouble putting all of that together into a working circuit. Can someone direct me to a good starting point?

I just googled

expression pedal midi arduino

and if this was my project, I would be busy reading for some time.

Obvsly this has been done before. Find a project that seems like it's close and slavishly get that code and circuitry functioning before worrying about how your thing is going to differ.
