Midi velocity 100 for 127

Hello everyone, I'm from Brazil.
I have a DX7 MK1 that generates a MIDI OUT speed of 100, I need hardware that converts this to 127, as I intend to control other modules from the DX7.

I discovered a MIDI cable that accepts Arduino codes, RK-002 Smart MIDI cable, this was the most accessible and low-cost option I found. Pocket Curve Anatek and MIDI Solutions are expensive here in Brazil

Is it possible to do this, what would be the code to be used.
0 - 100 to 0 - 127

Have a look at the map function; https://docs.arduino.cc/language-reference/en/functions/math/map/

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I understood the concept but my knowledge is limited, I don't know how to apply it, I don't know how to put it into practice

There is an example in the link that I gave. Instead of using analogRead() to store a value in val, val is now the value that you received over midi; in below I called it midiVal.

midiVal = map(midiVal, 0, 100, 0, 127);