MIDI via new FTDI/USB?

Hi there! As far as I know the new Arduino's FTDI can be programmed to appear as a MIDI device. Any ideas how to get started?

the new Arduino's FTDI

You referring to the Uno? If so, then, no, it's FTDI can not be programmed, since the Uno doesn't have a FTDI chip.

Hi alkopop79,

I use Reason and have been wanting to develop usb based MIDI controllers with the Arduino.

After exhaustive search on Windows driver writing I have concluded that it is possible, but will require some very serious programming.

With any version of Windows before 7 you would have to write a Kernel mode driver... something that should only be attempted by advanced programmers.

If you are using a Mac, there are applications that can re-identify your USB input as a Midi input. I have not had a chance to test them.

Let us know if you find out anything... I would guess that it won't be long before some advanced programmer writes a driver for Arduino to usb Midi. I wish I knew enough to attempt it.
