Good day all!. I built the circuit above using the authors instructions, sketch and suggested components and a professional made PCB (as per spec) . I have an extensive background in Electronics but I am a total newbie with the Arduino Nano. The one I used is an Atmel 328PB V3 compatible. I was not able to load up the sketch or libraries until I loaded a compatible driver 328PB. From there it seemed to load with no errors.
The author said to include the standard Midi library (5.0.2) and SPI library (included in IDE) when uploading the sketch.
When I apply a midi signal I see the RX led flash on the Nano ,but there is no activity at the outputs or any of the 3 LEDS ;Clock Trigger and gate. I am suspecting that I am uploading incorrectly or the Nano is no good. I have ordered another Nano Atmel 328P-u .
I am out of ideas , can any one suggest anything?