Miga Motors with ATTiny 85

Anyone fooled with them? I'm using the MADV5 to drive it.

And I have the -6 nanomuscle. It works fine when I put 5V to the gate pin on the controller but I'm trying to trigger it using an ATTiny 85. I've loaded the blink sketch to the 85 and it works OK but as soon as I power the nano muscle it goes all wonky. I'm using 12V to the muscle and using a 5v regulator to power the 85 and trying to trigger the gate with pin 3 on the 85.

Could it be the voltage regulator can't power both the MAD5 and the 85? I've tested the 85 and the pin seems OK.

Any advise would be most welcome!

I did some testing thinking that maybe I had a voltage drop in the circuit but it doesn't seem to be the case, I don't think...

It looks like the nano muscle is just "noisy" and when it powers up the 85 sh!ts the bed. Once I reset it it works fine. Anyone have any advice about smoothing this out? Seems like a cap is in order but I don't know what value to try or where to place it.

I hate bumping my own threads but...

Could it be that the internal clock on the ATiny 85 is just wonky when voltage changes? I have it running a sketch that blinks using a delay and whenever I place a load anywhere on the board it stops working. A reset puts things right again.

I need to do some studying about how these things work.


You place the cap between 5V and GND as near to the ATTiny as reasonable. As far as what capacitance to use, start with .1uF, but feel free to use trial and error and any size or number of capacitors in parallel with the ATTiny.

If you can draw out a schematic that would be helpful.

Thanks for the help and thanks for the link explaining why!!

I'm just using a 12v power supply powering a 5v voltage regulator which is powering the ATiny 85 and the nano muscle. The ATTiny is running a simple blinky program that's blining 5 LED's. I started running the blinky stuff when I ran into problems with the ATtiny getting wonky, just to see what was going on.

I started with a .1 uF cap as you suggested and just worked my way up through the parts bin until a 2.2 uF worked! It seems stable now and I've learned something valuable in spite of myself XD