millis() eschatology

Maybe someone has already proposed this, but the Arduino world is well positioned to launch the next doomsday panic since the Maya calendar thing fizzled. The millis() thing never seems to die, and there's a great body of FUD built up at this point. Could be good advertising for Arduino. Like they say, any publicity is good publicity :wink: Be the first on your block to cause the end of the world.

What would you like? a big article in the NY times: "The last millisecond is about to happen in about 49 days ...?" :wink:

What would you like? a big article in the NY times: "The last millisecond is about to happen in about 49 days ...?" :wink:

LOL, that's certainly one possibility! I was also thinking about starting a rumor that the Swan computer in the TV series Lost was actually an Arduino :smiley:

Make it more urgent: "Final microsecond will be gone in less than 72 hours! Details at 11! Only on The News Station!"

CCN breaking news "Timer1 TCNT register is reaching zero"

Raspberry Pi gives you an extra week !

An extra week perhaps. But then there is the Unix 2038 problem:


But then there is the Unix 2038 problem:

I will be 90 then and probably not know what day it is either :slight_smile:

Industry leaders are working on an if-else solution!