I agree that a beginner would find it more difficult.
Here is a similar way of doing the same thing.
This uses a 'structure' technique.
You may find this intersting if you have never used a structure in coding.
Note: a third way would be writing a 'class'.
I have one of these also if you are interested.
//Blink without Delay skeleton example using a 'structure' .
struct timer
//lastMillis = the time this "timer" was (re)started
//waitMillis = delay time (mS) we are looking for. You can use math 60*60*1000 for 1 hour
//restart = do we start "this timer" again and again
//enableFlag = is "this timer" enabled/allowed to be accessed
//For each timer object you need:
// timer myTimer = //give the timer a name "myTimer"
// {
// 0, 200UL, true, true //lastMillis, waitMillis, restart, enableFlag
// };
// You have access to:
// myTimer.lastMillis, myTimer.waitMillis, myTimer.restart, myTimer.enableFlag, myTimer.CheckTime()
unsigned long lastMillis;
unsigned long waitMillis;
bool restart;
bool enableFlag;
bool CheckTime() //Delay time expired function "CheckTime()"
//is the time up for this task?
if (enableFlag && millis() - lastMillis >= waitMillis)
//Note: if delays of < 2 millis are needed use micros() and adjust waitMillis as needed
//should this start again?
//get ready for the next iteration
lastMillis += waitMillis;
//time was reached
return true;
//time was not reached
return false;
} //END of CheckTime()
}; //END of structure timer
//Let's create 6 timer objects and initialize them in this sketch
timer pin13 = //create timer pin13
0, 200UL, true, true //lastMillis, waitMillis, restart, enableFlag
timer pin12 = //create timer pin12
0, 3*1000UL, true, true //lastMillis, waitMillis, restart, enableFlag
timer pin11 = //create timer pin11
0, 10*1000UL, true, true //lastMillis, waitMillis, restart, enableFlag
timer pin10 = //create timer pin10
0, 6*1000UL, true, true //lastMillis, waitMillis, restart, enableFlag
timer Toggle10 = //create timer Toggle10
0, 50UL, true, true //lastMillis, waitMillis, restart, enableFlag
timer checkSwitches = //create timer checkSwitches
0, 50UL, true, true //lastMillis, waitMillis, restart, enableFlag
byte lastMySwitchState = 1; //for mySwitch on Pin 2
byte counter = 0;
const byte Pin13 = 13;
const byte Pin12 = 12;
const byte Pin11 = 11;
const byte Pin10 = 10;
const byte Pin9 = 9;
const byte mySwitch = 2;
void setup()
pinMode(Pin9, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(Pin9, LOW);
} // >>>>>>>>>>>>>> E N D O F s e t u p ( ) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
void loop()
//Below are examples demonstrating different timing situations
//example 1 Toggle Pin13 every 200ms
if (pin13.CheckTime())
//Toggle Pin13
//if you only want this section of code to happen once
//uncomment the next line
//pin13.enableFlag = false;
//example 2 After 3 seconds, Pin12 goes and stays HIGH
if (pin12.CheckTime())
//Make Pin12 HIGH now
//disable timing section of code
pin12.enableFlag = false;
//example 3 Pin11 is HIGH for 10 seconds, then goes and stays LOW
if (pin11.enableFlag && !pin11.CheckTime())
//10 seconds is now up now, leave the Pin11 LOW
//disable timing section of code
pin11.enableFlag = false;
//example 4 For 6 seconds, toggle Pin10
if (pin10.enableFlag && !pin10.CheckTime())
//example 5 Toggling Pin10 every 50mS
//toggle Pin10
//6 seconds is now up, toggling is stopped
//disable timing section of code
pin10.enableFlag = false;
//example 6 Is it time to check the switches?
if (checkSwitches.CheckTime())
//time to read the switches
//Put other non-blocking stuff here
} // >>>>>>>>>>>>>> E N D O F l o o p ( ) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
// F U N C T I O N S
//switches are checked every checkSwitches.waitMillis milli seconds
//no minimum switch press time is validated with this code (i.e. No glitch filter)
void Switches()
boolean thisState; //re-usable for all the switches
//*************************** mySwitch Pin 2 code
//check if this switch has changed state
thisState = digitalRead(mySwitch);
if (thisState != lastMySwitchState)
//update the switch state
lastMySwitchState = thisState;
//This switch position has changed, let's do some stuff
//"HIGH condition code"
//switch goes from LOW to HIGH
if(thisState == HIGH)
//example: LED on Pin9 is Push ON, Push OFF
//"LOW condition code"
//switch goes from HIGH to LOW
//example: display the current switch push count
} //END of mySwitch Pin 2 code
//similar code for other switches goes here
} //END of Switches()
// E N D O F C O D E