I have connet the mini pro 328 5V 16MHZ to a arduino mini USB adapter.
RX on RX and TX on TX 5 v supply from the USB and the gnd also connected.
I checked for the correct board and the USB port is ok.
After uploading it will not work.
The arduino gives the measage : avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
What must be done to get this to work?
Any help is welcome.
In deed it is logic to connect the TX to RX .
Bud still it is not working.
I have to find out some more whereabouts howe to connect the USB converter to the mini Pro.
Al;thoug both seems to work the USB I test with the loop back and that is working.
The mino Pro has his bootload while I press the reset button the L led 13 is flashing.
Still to find out if the reset to DTR must be connect over a condensator?
I keep on surching to have the mini pro working.
I keep you informt.