Mini Pro 328 5V 16 MHz & Arduino Mini USB adapter will not load


I have connet the mini pro 328 5V 16MHZ to a arduino mini USB adapter.
RX on RX and TX on TX 5 v supply from the USB and the gnd also connected.
I checked for the correct board and the USB port is ok.
After uploading it will not work.
The arduino gives the measage : avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00

What must be done to get this to work?
Any help is welcome.


Rx goes to Tx, Tx to Rx. Need DTR connected also to reset the Promini at the correct time during the download.

Best CrossRoads,

Thanks for your replay.

In deed it is logic to connect the TX to RX .
Bud still it is not working.
I have to find out some more whereabouts howe to connect the USB converter to the mini Pro.
Al;thoug both seems to work the USB I test with the loop back and that is working.
The mino Pro has his bootload while I press the reset button the L led 13 is flashing.
Still to find out if the reset to DTR must be connect over a condensator?

I keep on surching to have the mini pro working.
I keep you informt.

Kind regards,


Promini has capacitor between its DTR pin and reset.
You only need to connect USB's DTR to Promini's DTR.

USB Promini
CTS GND - tells USB that it is Clear To Send
Rx Tx
Tx Rx
5V Vcc

Communication started to work after I updated the USB driver and connect as discribed in previous post from CrossRoads.

