At this blog someone decided to create a minimal arduino compatible board using the mega32u4 microcontroller. After burning the bootloader using an arduino, his setup for the Blink example sketch looked like this:
I'm planning to build it myself but I was wondering if I can get rid of the reset button (+ resistor) to make it even more minimalistic. In his blog he says "Arduino Leonardo is a little tricky for loading sketches - you have to hold the reset button, hit Upload in the Arduino IDE, and then release the button". Is this true?
I saw this mega32u4 board that is lacking any switch button (FYI the schematic diagram) so I think it has to work without any reset button. So my question is how should I change the fritzing shown above to be able to remove the switch button.
Its a bit too minimalistic - I see no decoupling capacitors on pins 2, 14, 24, 34, 42, 44...
Or does this breakout board have them already? (Your link is broken).
The links are actually working, unfortunately you have to copy and paste the link to your browser manually (forum protection). No there are no additional decoupling caps on the breakout board, the author just used one single 1uF decoupling cap.
I don't have a Leonardo but I have the next best thing: a Micro. I have never had to press the reset button to upload a sketch.
I don't know what you're talking about . I have 3 UNOs and due to the cap BETWEEN the DTR and the RESET pin, I don't have to press RESET either so why would you need to ?
In his blog he says "Arduino Leonardo is a little tricky for loading sketches - you have to hold the reset button, hit Upload in the Arduino IDE, and then release the button". Is this true?
It certainly was true for the early Arduinos before the Uno. But the Leonardo is younger than the Uno.
You can always leave the reset pin off, just connect one to a header pin if needed.
For example, in this '328P + shift register board, I used no reset button.