Mirror LCD text


I recently laid out an arduino shield PCB with a 16x2 LCD display. I'm using an arduino uno. Unfortunately I connected my display upside down and wondered if there was a way in software to mirror the LCD text so that I can still use my PCB as intended. I have searched google and the forum but found no posts relating to mirroring the text output.

To clarify - I would like to display text in reverse so instead of starting at 0,0 I would need the text to start at 16,2 and then move from right to left but reverse the characters so they can still be read correctly. I know I can set the cursor position to where I want and then move the text from right to left but I haven't seen any method to reverse the characters.

Hope someone can help,



the characters that the LCD can display are in ROM on the LCD controller. you can create custom characters, but only 8 of them.