I look here for Wire.h documentation
but why is there no endTransmission listed in the functions?
I just wanted to get familiar with how to use I2C but that function seems very important and I didn't know what are possible return codes.
I look here for Wire.h documentation
but why is there no endTransmission listed in the functions?
I just wanted to get familiar with how to use I2C but that function seems very important and I didn't know what are possible return codes.
" beginTransmission()"
This function begins a transmission to the I2C peripheral device with the given address. Subsequently, queue bytes for transmission with the write()
function and transmit them by calling *endTransmission()
The page is in limbo: https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/functions/communication/wire/endtransmission/
The error codes are different for different platforms. The I2C session failed if there was an error. I see no need to check which error it is.
Thanks both.
You wouldn't need to know which error it is, unless you want to stop getting errors Lol
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