Missing libraries?

i am trying to create a simplerubberducky that rick rolls me when i plug in the usb.

#include <DigiKeyboard.h>
#include "Keyboard_DE.h"
void setup() {
  DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_R , MOD_GUI_LEFT);
/*EINRUECKEN*/	Keyboard.press(KEY_RETURN);
/*EINRUECKEN*/	Keyboard.release(KEY_RETURN);
  DigiKeyboard.println("start /max https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFZjo5PgG0&autoplay=1");
void loop() {


i've ran into some problems because the keyboard layout is english instead of german and so i've browsed the internet for solutions. I am very new to arduino and programming in general so there were lots of threads i did not really understand so i tried to solve my problem as simple as possible by using a library. Its just that every time i check my code i run into new problems. At first it didnt find the HID library so i copied it from "C:\Users\felix\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\avr\1.8.6\libraries\HID"
to "C:\Users\felix\Documents\Arduino\libraries". Now i get the error message
"PluggableUSB.h: No such file or directory" so i downloaded PluggableUSB.h from https://github.com/arduino/ArduinoCore-API/blob/master/api/PluggableUSB.h and pasted it into the same folder but i doesnt help at all. As i said im very new and the threads i found online are mostly from 2016 and earlier so i cant really ask them anything.
Please tell me what im doing wrong and how i can fix my keyboard layout
Ty 4 all the answeres

Welcome to the forum

Then expect no help from me

I can tell it was too hard for you to finish reading the sentence.

No, I read it all

If you are creating a rubberducky then who is to say what it will be used for ?

i just told you. If i wanted to create a hramful rubber ducky i wouldnt post on it on a forum and neither would i use a Digispark attinity85. Pretty sure i wouldnt need ur help if i wanted to create one because there are more then enough guides online

This line causes the standard Arduino "Keyboard" library to be used. That library is not compatible with the Digispark board, so it will never work no matter how many files you shuffle around on your hard drive.

You will need to instead find a library or code snippet that provides German keyboard layout support for the "DigiKeyboard" library or DigiSpark board.

I recommend you delete those. They are very architecture-specific, which is the reason they are bundled with the "Arduino AVR Boards" platform rather than being installed globally. Your global installation of them might cause you strange problems in the future if the Arduino build system uses them when compiling for boards they are not compatible with.

Maybe not, but what you might do is to pretend that you were creating a harmless practical joke and once it worked replace the payload with something more harmful.

Hence, no help from me

https://shop.hak5.org/products/usb-rubber-ducky could just buy it if i wanted to harm sb. Anyways ig i dont need ur help anyways. Have a nice day

@lxqnd - the challenge is that those posts are not just for you.

helping create a potentially harmful device and documenting in details how you do it here can be seen as a problem for many of us frequent posters/helpers on the forum.

As far as I'm concerned I would not want this forum to become the repository for instructions on building such devices. This goes for a rubberducky but I would put in the same category gsm triggered timed operating relays, fake bombs, etc...

There are wannabe bad guys out there who don't need any help.

of course i understand that but im just saying that wether or not u guys tell me how i change a keyboard layout wont hinder sb else to create or buy a rubber ducky.

I would not want to see instructions for documenting how to build anything harmful (I understand the definition is vague) on a public forum encouraging open source values.

  • open source values typically focus on constructive and ethical contributions to the community, and publishing guides for potentially harmful devices goes against these principles.
  • sharing such information could potentially promote the misuse of technology for malicious purposes, compromising individuals' privacy and security.
  • it could damage the reputation of the Arduino open source community by associating it with activities that raise ethical concerns.
  • and depending on the project, it might attract the attention of regulatory authorities, leading to legal consequences for those involved.

➜ hence Promoting responsible and beneficial open source projects should be the primary focus of our forum, rather than potentially harmful creations.

my 2cts.

If there is anyone else also searching for the an answere, it worked when i downloaded the DigiSparkKeyboard library and changed the scancode-ascii-table and DigiKeyboard file. Depending on ur layout you can find the files by searching on the internet

Why do you need a German keyboard layout anyway?

If the backslash needs a different code, just use that where needed.

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