Missing link to image converter in GIGA Display Shield Doc

I am working through this doc for LVGL and found there is no link to the image converter, whereas the link is present in the Github version.

Also it might be helpful to have a paragraph describing the usage of the converter.

Thanks @shotokutech! I confirm the problem. I don't know much about the publishing system, but this mismatch between the source content on GitHub and the published content on docs.arduino.cc seems quite odd to me. I see that another link to the LVGL documentation farther down on the same page is working.

In case it will be of assistance to those investigating the problem, you can see the link in question (https://docs.lvgl.io/master/overview/img.html#online-converter) in the source content here:


To display an image on the screen we first need to define what that image that should be. Take the desired image, [convert it into the correct format](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/overview/img.html#online-converter) and place the image in the same folder as the sketch. Now use `LV_IMG_DECLARE(filename);`. For example the image we use will be named `img_arduinologo`.

Thanks. I was just floundering looking for either the img_arduino file or a link to the converter in the article. After I found the link in the github version, I tried the image converter myself. It didn't work out for me as I get multiple compile errors about my converted image file. It seems a paragraph about how to use the tool might be helpful as well. Thanks again. Much appreciated.