MKR GPS won't work

I have a new MKR GPS shield. At first I tried it with the sample code that is given as example in the Arduino IDE and it did work. Now, some days after it worked, the GPS is dead. I have tried all the solutions I could find and not anyone did the trick. I could just simply return it, but I would like to understand why it is not working: it has not suffered anything (hits, water...) so it has no sense to me.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Just to mention, the GPS is attached using an I2C cable. Measuring with a multimeter I have made myself sure that the cable is not damaged.

They were quite weak in the reception area and often needed a direct line of sight.
Not sure where you are in your home but you could try moving it to a different location.

Also if it the OFFICIAL shield there is a dedicated section.
Have alerted the mods to move this if that is the case.

I said that I have tried everything I could find: the official page and so on. I have tried it on open field, moving...

You were not quite clear or descriptive on "everything"
That is why I mentioned moving it.

What does the sketch say ?

Also note the code below
There are two methods to talk to the shield !

  // If you are using the MKR GPS as shield use the second line
  // below. swap the comment if using just a cable
  // if (!GPS.begin()) // This if using just the cable.
  GPS.begin(); // This if mounted as a shield
    Serial.println("Failed to initialize GPS!");
    while (1);

Moved as suggested.

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