MKR Motor Carrier Dead?

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to use my MKR Motor Carrier with a MKR1000 board.
Starting from the basic tutorials, I tried to run the Motor_test example provided in the ArduinoMotorCarrier library.
Unfortuately, the Shield doesn't seem to work properly: the example doesn't print anything in the Serial Monitor, it seems to be stuck in the controller.begin() check. However, when i try to run it only with the MKR1000 board, I (correctly) get the "Couldn't connect! Is the red LED blinking? You may need to update the firmware with FWUpdater sketch" message.
Moreover, when I try to connect the same setup in MATLAB, when trying to call any Carrier function, for example rotaryEncoder i get the error "Unable to receive data from the target hardware. For MATLAB, reconnect the target hardware, clear the hardware objects and try again. For Simulink, reconnect the target hardware and start simulation again."
In my tests the battery is fully charged and the green led on the Motor Carrier turns on when the switch is flipped on the ON position.

Could it be that the MKR Motor Carrier is broken/fried? Are there other checks I can perform?

Thanks in advance

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