I started working on a project monitoring 3 beehives with a MKR NB 1500.
It will be solar/battery powered and use 3xHX711 with 2pcs 50kg loadcells each.
Temp and moist will be read using 4xDHT11.
So far all modules and the MKR board works fine. Modem firmware updated and connection to network LTE or NB works good.
The real issue with my project is where to upload my data and saving battery power.
Currently i'm working on a Thingspeak channel.
I want to update values to a channel, read from a different channel (settings) and the go to sleep/battery saving mode for some time before wakeup and update again.
I tried the Thingspeak library but it wont run in loop, i tried PubSubClient (MQTT) with callback but messy with sleepmode.
Is any MQTT/thingspeak library compatible with LowPower/deepsleep and the MKR NB 1500?
Ideas and tips appreciated. Thanks!
Ah, the really old "weighing beehives thread" again.
How do you mount two loadcells to take the whole weight?
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