Mkr nb 1500 wont go sleep

Hi all,

Pretty new to the arduino space and C++ so please excuse if I am doing something wrong. I've connected the MKR to 2 buttons, one to turn on the device from sleep from pin 5, and I'd like to make the other on pin 4 to put it to sleep. I've individually tested the wake-up code, and can say that that works (with the interrupt). However, the code to put the MKR results in everything freezing in serial monitor and the device doesn't go sleep. I then have to double press reset to be able to do anything. Would anyone please shed some light on what might be causing this? Thank you so much ! <3

#include "ArduinoLowPower.h"

int sysState=1;
const int sleep_pin = 4;
const int wake_pin= 5;

void setup() {
      pinMode(sleep_pin, INPUT);
      pinMode(wake_pin, INPUT);
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(sleep_pin), sleeping, RISING);
  LowPower.attachInterruptWakeup(digitalPinToInterrupt(wake_pin), woken, RISING);


void loop() {
  for (int i=0;i<10;i++){

void sleeping(){
    Serial.print("going to sleep");

void woken(){
  if (sysState==0){
    Serial.print("ive woken up");
  else if (sysState==1){

UPDATE: The code will go sleep if the serial monitor isnt open, but then will not wake up.

The code also works if the sleep is timed, not called. Meaning if it isnt set by the button, I can wake it up any time

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