I would like to control a relay (this one) with an Arduino board. The relay runs at 5VDC, do I need a UNO Wifi Rev2 or will the MKR Wifi 1010 do the job (this last board runs at 3.3V)
Thanks for your help
I would like to control a relay (this one) with an Arduino board. The relay runs at 5VDC, do I need a UNO Wifi Rev2 or will the MKR Wifi 1010 do the job (this last board runs at 3.3V)
Thanks for your help
you want to buy an original Arduino and that no-name relay? use Grove Relay. you can power it from 5 V pin a control with 3.3 V pin of MKR. I recommend MKR 1010
I guess I missed this relay.. Thanks a lot, i will go for your recommendation.
One more thing : is there any case or enclosure that would allow me to fit both the MKR and the relay inside ?