MKR1000 Certification documents + Certificate of compliance

Dear All,

I'm using the new MKR1000 in a project and I need to certify my final product. Regarding that, I need all the documents available regarding the certification of the module: in specific, the certificate of compliance of the module.

I've been there

but it's not enough.
Can you provide that kind of info, please?

The people (like me) who contribute to this Forum are all volunteers and have nothing to do with compliance of products.

You need to enquire elsewhere for the info you need.

Also, you have not said what it needs to comply with.


Dear Robin2,

many thanks. The certificate of compliance is a document that a producer have to do for CE mark or FCC. Do you know where or at who do I need to ask?

No idea, Sorry.


The MKR does carry FCC identification. The number is clearly printed on the label on the board.

DSC_7865 cr2 FCC.jpg

This was from a PRE PROD so the number may have changed.

As far as CE (spit) it may well come under the hobby sector and might not need it.

DSC_7865 cr2 FCC.jpg

The place to look could be the maker of the ATWINC1500PB chip - Atmel/Microchip. Google will find you the following web site: which has the FCC certification information.

As far as CE (spit)

How dare you sir !


@ R2.

I dare with an easy conscience and a heart full of BREXIT joy ! :wink:

I dare with an easy conscience and a heart full of BREXIT joy ! :wink:

I am Irish and I am delighted not to be BREXITing :slight_smile:

This is a time for people to come together, not create more "them and us" divisions.

Twice in the 20th century Britain almost bankrupted itself to help its European allies. But now, when things have never been better it wants to abandon them. Seems a poor memorial for all those brave men and women who gave their lives in two world wars.
