MKR1010 to own board conversion

My goal is to design a circuit that uses the basics of the MKR1010, but with alot of ther peripherals.

I need the following peripherals:

    • Ublox Nina (already in MKR1010 schematic
    • Uart Gps (ublox M8)
    • SD-Card SPI
    • PC serial port output
    • I/O

So there is onl yone thing that i wonder:

On the product page of the MKR1010 they state "Uart = 1, SPI =1".
I assume this is counted by the still remaining ports, as far as i've seen there are 2 SPI on the SAM21D, but one is used for the Nina Wifi, so its not available for the user when buying the MRK1010. When designing a custom board, it could be used, right?

I also assume that the UART ist a Uart for devices, and the USB-Inteface will provide a v-serial port for using the serial monitor. Right?

I assume this is counted by the still remaining ports, as far as i've seen there are 2 SPI on the SAM21D, but one is used for the Nina Wifi, so its not available for the user when buying the MRK1010. When designing a custom board, it could be used, right?

right. SPI is a bus. you can connect all the devices to one SPI if they are good. On WiFi1010 it is safe for Arduino to wire Nina on board and don't let the user mess with that bus. For example MKR Zero has SD card on 'not available' SPI.

I also assume that the UART ist a Uart for devices, and the USB-Inteface will provide a v-serial port for using the serial monitor. Right?

SAMD has native USB mapped in Arduino core to name Serial. And the Arduino core creates USART instance for TX and RX pins called Serial1. SAMD has 6 SERCOM modules that can be configured as USART, SPI or I2C on any pins.