Hi together,
I'm struggling with my MKR1400 since some months meanwhile. My MKR1400 consistently freezes either while checking for new received (unread) sms, sending a sms or establishing a phone call.
Here is an minimal example sketch, the Arudino support asked me to post here in the forum:
due to post length restrictions pls see my following post
Sry, if this is a quite long minimal example, but it is indeed a very brief roundup of the actual, longer code I'm working on. What is the given minimal sketch actually doing?
- It utilizes the send/ receive sms and establish/ receive phone calls features of the MKR1400.
- Check for new sms every 5 seconds.
- If there is a new sms by remote A (e.g. me send by my mobile phone) forward it to Remote B, another module (e.g. Arduino Uno with GSM shield)
- If the sms was sent by Remote B (remote module), just forward the sms to Remote A = me (mobile phone)
- To check if Remote B (remote module) is still online, establish a phone call to B every some minutes (exact interval is random)
- Additionally, sent a command (just sms with specific syntax) to Remote B, if phone call was established successful every some hours (exact interval random)
- Check every 4 seconds if sb. tries to call the MKR1400. If so, just hang up.
Here is a example (debugging Serial) output of a run, where a freeze occurred:
booting modem... modem online!
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
new SMS by +49151XXXXXXX
new SMS by +49175YYYYYY
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
new SMS by +49175YYYYYY
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
calling +49175YYYYYY... successful
calling +49175YYYYYY...
The Arduino freezes arbitrary after some minutes or hours. Either directly after the sms.available() command, while trying to send an sms, or often at trying to establishing a phone call [voice.voiceCall(...)]. The complete code hangs (nothing is done anymore by the arduino) and additionally I can't call the arduino any longer by my phone from outside. It's just like the arduino is offline, i.e. has no connection to cellular network anymore (before the freeze I can call it and hear the ringing tone). Often (especially without a lipo battery connected) the arduino needs several restarts until the modem can successfully boot and connect to the cellular network (see setup routine).
My setup:
- Arduino IDE 1.8.6
- MKRGSM library, newest version, 1.2.0
- Power setup according as follows:
Do you have any ideas, how to fix this issue. I tested a lot of different power setups (different Wall warts, w and w/o capacitators, w and w/o lipo battery) but nothing helped. Also pls let me know if you need more details to my setup or similar.
Thank you very much for your help,
kind regards,