MKR1500 1ONCE and IoT Cloud

Good morning,

on a MKR1500 card with 1ONCE SIM (without pin) I successfully executed, the sample sketchs of the MKNRB library:

  • ChooseradioAccessTechnology (CAT M1 preferred, NB IoT as failover)
  • NBScanNetworks:

12:43:59.631 -> NB IoT/LTE Cat M1 networks scanner
12:43:59.768 -> Modem IMEI: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
12:43:59.803 -> Current carrier:
12:43:59.880 -> Signal Strength: 18 [0-31]
12:43:59.880 -> Scanning available networks. May take some seconds.
12:45:51.124 -> > 222 88
12:45:51.124 -> > 222 01
12:45:51.124 -> > 222 10
12:45:51.124 ->
12:46:01.136 -> Current carrier:
12:46:01.137 -> Signal Strength: 31 [0-31]

Then I used the Arduino Iot Cloud portal with which I created a variable "temperatura" described as follows:
Declaration: CloudTemperatureSensor temperatura
Type: Temperature sensor (°c)
Variable Permission: Read Only
Send Values: On change
Threshold: 1

In the dashboard I created a “Value” widgest that I associated with the temperature variable.

With the full editor I added the following lines to generate a different temperature every 5 seconds:

void loop() {
// Your code here
temperatura = random(10,30);

In the "secret" sheet I set the following values:


The sketch upload is successful.

However, resetting the board, on the cloud dashboard does not update any value.

Could you help me?

Thank you

Your topic has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum. Installation and Troubleshooting is not for problems with (nor for advice on) your project.

Ok. thank You.

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