I am using a 1400MKRGSM board and looking for the best approach in terms of saving battery power. My circuit comprises of a DS18B20 temp sensor, MKRGPS shield, MKRGSM Board and a 3.7LiPo 2000mAh battery.
Taking a reading every 10mins approx of the temperature sensors.
To get the maximum out of the battery, Am I better putting the GSM connection in Setup or in the Loop???
Currently I am running it in the Loop and taking a temp reading and a GPS reading every 10mins, with this I am getting a 18hr battery life or 108 readings roughly, I was hoping to get days out of it!! At the end of the script I use gsmShutdown and deepSleep.
If I set the GSM connection in the Setup, I cant then use gsmShutdown in the Loop.
Any help much appreciated.