I just got a few MKR WIFI1010 boards and the ENV Shields to do a bit of prototyping and I can't seem to get the IoTCloud to work as advertised. I've gone through all the steps, checked the forums, simplified the code, and yet everything I do just comes up with it connecting fine to the WiFi, connecting to the IoT cloud but not giving me any sensor readings or LED switchs or anything.
I'm literally using the code right out the box, adding a digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledSwitch) and changing the secret.h SSID and PASS. Nothing Else.
#include "thingProperties.h"
void setup() {
lEDSwitch = false;
void loop() {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, lEDSwitch);
void onLEDSwitchChange() {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, lEDSwitch);
I get this message in serial:
[ 14844 ] Connected to "FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable"
[ 14844 ] Connecting to Arduino IoT Cloud...
[ 15091 ] Bogus NTP time from API, fallback to UDP method
[ 17382 ] Connected to Arduino IoT Cloud
I can get all the sensors to work and give readings on the serial but nothing is being transmitted between the device and the IoT Cloud. Any help would be greatly appreciated!