Mobatools stepper homing without using limit switch?

I would like to home my stepper without using a limit switch. I have tested this by setting the current on my TB6600 driver down low at 0.5A. Then when the stepper hits a hard stop point, it continues to buzz until the commanded step move runs out. My thought would be to, as example stepper_1.doSteps(-5000); then let it hit the hard stop. After this happens, then pause for 2 seconds Pause.setTime(2000);, move forward a little bit stepper_1.doSteps(100); then stepper_1.setZero();. My attempts are not working out as I'm sure that I am missing something. I've added the MoToTimer Pause; at the beginning.

Here is the problem area -

void toRefPoint() {                                   // Homing: move all steppers to ref point and set zeropoint

    Serial.println("homing buffer tank..."); {                   // buffer tank start homing...
    stepper_1.setSpeedSteps( 10000, 200 ); 
    Serial.println("end point reached - set zero");  
    while (stepper_1.moving()){
  Serial.println("buffer tank homing finished!");

Here is my complete code -

// trying to home without use of limit switch. cw ccw buttons go same way.

#define MAX8BUTTONS // saves RAM because only 4 switches are used
#define MAX_STEPPER 6
#include <MobaTools.h>

const int STEPS_PER_REV = 800;
const int POS_MAX = 20000;
const int FORTY_METER_POSITION = 5000;
const int EIGHTY_METER_POSITION = 10000;
const int ONESIXTY_METER_POSITION = 16000;

//create stepper object ( 800 steps / rev - 1/4 microstep )

// Stepper 1 buffer tank
const byte stepper1_pul = 2;
const byte stepper1_dir = 3;
MoToStepper stepper_1( STEPS_PER_REV, STEPDIR );

// Stepper 2 IPA tank
const byte stepper2_pul = 4;
const byte stepper2_dir = 5;
MoToStepper stepper_2( STEPS_PER_REV, STEPDIR );

const byte enaPin = 7;

MoToTimer Pause;

// buttons must switch to Gnd
enum { buttonZero, buttonCW, buttonCCW, forty_meter_button, eighty_meter_button, onesixty_meter_button } ; // create names for the buttons
const byte buttonPins[] = {22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28 }; // assign pins to the buttons
const byte buttonCnt = sizeof(buttonPins);
MoToButtons myButton( buttonPins, buttonCnt, 20, 500 );

// limit switch at refpoint
const byte refPin1 = 25;         // limit pin stepper 1 homing
const byte refPin2 = 29;         // limit pin stepper 2 homing
const byte atRefpoint = LOW;   // dependig wether it is a NO or NC switch

void setup() { 
  Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial);

// Stepper 1
  stepper_1.attach( stepper1_pul, stepper1_dir );
  stepper_1.attachEnable( enaPin, 10, LOW );         // Enable active

// Stepper 2
  stepper_2.attach( stepper2_pul, stepper2_dir );
  stepper_2.attachEnable( enaPin, 10, LOW );        // Enable active

  pinMode(refPin1, INPUT_PULLUP );
  pinMode(refPin2, INPUT_PULLUP );

  Serial.println("Starting loop");

void loop() 

  myButton.processButtons();          // reading and processing the buttons ( e.g. debouncing and state change detection)

  digitalWrite( LED_BUILTIN, digitalRead( refPin1 ) );

    // check buttons and react accordingly
  if ( myButton.pressed(buttonZero) ) {                                   // home all steppers to zero position
    Serial.println(" Find ref point");
  if ( myButton.pressed(buttonCW) ) {                                     // jog slow clockwise direction
    Serial.println("Jog CW towards end");
  if ( myButton.pressed(buttonCCW) ) {                                    // jog slow counter clockwise direction
    Serial.println("Jog CCW back to 0 ");
  if ( myButton.pressed(forty_meter_button) ) {                           // move to 40m position
    Serial.println("Move towards the 40M position");
   if ( myButton.pressed(eighty_meter_button) ) {                         // move to 80m position
    Serial.println("Move towards the 80M position");
   if ( myButton.pressed(onesixty_meter_button) ) {                       // move to 160m position
   Serial.println("Move towards the 160M position");
  if ( myButton.released(buttonCW) || myButton.released(buttonCCW) ) {
   Serial.println("Stop the stepper");


void toRefPoint() {                                   // Homing: move all steppers to ref point and set zeropoint

    Serial.println("homing buffer tank..."); {                   // buffer tank start homing...
    stepper_1.setSpeedSteps( 10000, 200 ); 
    Serial.println("end point reached - set zero");  
    while (stepper_1.moving()){
  Serial.println("buffer tank homing finished!");

void toFortyPoint() {                                  // buffer tank 40 meter position
    stepper_1.setSpeedSteps( 40000, 500 );
    stepper_1.moveTo( FORTY_METER_POSITION );                               

void toEightyPoint() {                                 // buffer tank 80 meter position
    stepper_1.setSpeedSteps( 40000, 500 );
    stepper_1.moveTo( EIGHTY_METER_POSITION );                               

void toOnesixtyPoint() {                               // buffer tank 160 meter position
    stepper_1.setSpeedSteps( 40000, 500 );
    stepper_1.moveTo( ONESIXTY_METER_POSITION );                               

void toCWdirection() {                                 // buffer tank jog CW
    stepper_1.setSpeedSteps( 5000, 0 );

void toCCWdirection() {                                // buffer tank jog CCW
    stepper_1.setSpeedSteps( 5000, 0 );

I think you need a simple delay() there. MotoTimer is a tool to create non blocking delays. Pause.setTime() is nonblocking. You need to check with .expired() if the timer has expired.

I've tried the simple delay and it just runs right past it. Maybe I don't have the wrappers properly placed?

Be aware, that all functions to move the stepper are non blocking. You set the speed to 1000 steps/sec and then you command the stepper to do 5000 steps CCW. That needs more than 5 seconds ( more because of ramping up/down). The stepper starts, but even with a delay of 2 seconds the stepper can only do less than 2000 steps until you command it to reverse and go 100 steps CW.
If you want the stepper to do all the 5000 steps, you must wait until all steps have been done:
while(stepper_1.moving() ); // wait until stepper has done all steps.
instead of a fixed delay. You may of course add an additional delay after the stepper has done all steps.

This finally makes sense to me! This explains why it started working when I changed the delay to 10,000. Ok I have some changes to make now.

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