ModbusCustomEditor - How use it

Where can i find documentation about this tool ? Why do i need to declare the slave register when i have this tool ? And, where is other example to use this function ?

I suppose these modbus function are modbus call in PLC IDE without formal declaration (like mapping TCP in B&R) or i need to call the functions ?

It's not clear to use.


Can you check this tutorial

Use the sketch shown, and retry.

Let me know.

Why ?

Isn't there a documentation for PLC IDE ? I don't want use IDE i suppose it isn't necessary modify the sketch.

For industrial use, is no better prepare documentation and not try test with the customer ? I'm not a maker and the machine was sent with a PLC Siemens, because there was not enought time to test other solution.

In the next week i'm planning with Arduino support some test.

Best regards

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This is the source of PLC IDE (and here there is the manual of the function). But PLC IDE is different from this manual (in modbus TCP master section, there are many difference). Why Arduino didn't edit this manual and add to its help !?!

I can't understand.


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