For my Diy home project I will use the library TKButton for TinkerKit to operate the pushbuttons. I had to modify the library because the TKbutton is written for pushbuttons connected to the + 5V. In my hardware the buttons are connected to the ground. Also for the output I use negativ logics.
I modified the TinkerKit ( .cpp an .h)with wordpad and gave them also another name (TinkerNKit). Now my arduino sketch will not accept the new name and give faults during compiling.
Libraries: 3 things I think of:
- In the libraries folder there is a folder in it with "LIBRARYNAME"
- In that folder there is a .h file with the same exact "LIBRARYNAME"
- In that folder there is a .c or .cpp file with the exact "LIBRARYNAME"
If you changed the .h and .cpp but not the folder name, it probably will not work.
Let us know what happens...
I made a new library subdir with the new .h and .cpp in it.
Why didn't you modify the library so it supports both "+5 buttons and GND buttons"
Should not be too hard...
I think the problem is the way I save the libary.
I used wordpad and I think the file looses his original settings.
Can someone explain me how I have to save the .h and .cpp files ?
I used wordpad
better download notepad++ as editor, it supports multiple files & has syntax highlighting (use C++)
Modification done with notepad++ and it works fine