Modifying PCB

I just wrote a pretty long and detailed post about my project but I found out I was like 200 kb over the attachment limit and the forum kindly deleted all the contents when I went back to try again, so in brief:

I just bought an arduino uno and prototyping board from adafruit
I want to open a garage door using an arduino
How do I activate switch "S1" in the image: can I solder something to this board? Is there a better approach?
Is RFID a good mechanism? Reliable? Will it work if the receiver is on the inside of the door and the key is the on outside?
I found the following guides: Arduino Playground - PRFID using
and using RFID Reader ID-12LA (125 kHz) - SEN-11827 - SparkFun Electronics
What are other options? Is it feasible to call/text a number to activate? There's also an existing wireless receiver in the door opener, but that doesn't seem as interesting as making a new access point.

The back of the PCB

IMG_0572[1] (1.12 MB)