I plan on building an Altimeter with an additional Piezo to serve as output for a variometer. I've seen the Tiny Altimeter project( http://electro.olganet.com/2014/03/29/tiny-altimeter-oled/ ) which I will likely start with. I have programming background as well as electronics experience so I feel comfortable with this level of project.
However, when I look around on ebay, the Arduinos show different voltage ratings, processor modifiers etc.
Will any of the mha rated batteries work with any of the chargers as long as the voltage is the same? The project lists 3.7v as the source, but if I get all 5v rated parts, am I guaranteed that they will all work together?
Would you think that 500mha be enough to power all my modules for, say, 2-3 continuous hours of operation between charging? These modules don't all list their power consumption.
Will I have pin conflicts with my set of modules or can I easily move them to alternate pins in hardware and software?
One listing is shown as "Pro Micro ATmega32U4 5V 16MHz Replace ATmega328 Arduino Pro Mini". This is an A. Pro Mini, I assume. It has TWO designations for the ATmega(32u4 & 328). What am I looking at with these numbers? ie, what are the more important factors when choosing an Arduino?
Any assistance you all could give on these questions would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure I'll have more soon. Thanks.
The Arduino Micro uses the 32U4 chip, which has onboard USB connectivity. The Arduino Mini (and Pro Mini) use the 328, which requires extra circuitry to plug in to USB for programming. This is often called an FTDI cable, since the USB chip manufactured by FTDI is very good and very popular.
A Mini is not a direct replacement for a Micro. I think it's better.
Is there a good website that shows a comparison chart of most of the different board configurations available and what their capabilities are? Mini vs. Micro, programming options and other features that are available? I 'think' I require USB programming, but I don't know what the alternative is. I found the 'Arduino Starter Kit Manual' and have scanned that. It may tell me about the different kinds of programming methods. Or elsewhere. I don't mind doing my own research, but some pointers to consice information would be helpful.
Right away I can see where the details of these listings can be misleading. The ad. that I'm considering(listed previously) lists 'ATmega32U4' in the title but that is aparently just to draw folks in with specific search parameters. Zooming in, the chip is actually a 'ATmega328'. I just noticed that on the back of the board it shows 'Pro.mini.328P'. I don't know what the P designator is.
I really don't care if I use the mini or micro. These things are all so small that the difference in weight won't make a difference. I plan on using this as a tiny flight instrument on a glider. Thanks again Morgan.
Something else I just thought of is a battery level indicator. With most Arduinos, do they have an A2D pin I could hook directly to +5v to monitor the battery level?
Generally speaking it is easier to use parts that all have the same voltage rating. It is possible (with a voltage divider or equivalent) to use a 5v Arduino with exteral parts that only use 3.3v.
IMHO care is needed with batteries and chargers - especially LiPo cells which can easily go on fire if abused.
If you are flying a glider I imagine it already has a power supply for its control system. Why not power your Arduino from that - i.e. choose an Arduino that is suitable - rather than add the weight of another battery.
If you want a really really small "Arduino" you might look at these Deltino devices. I use them for battery powered R/C for my N-gauge model trains.
Robin, My glider is a hang glider. I fly at blueskyhg.com . THIS is my only instrumentation. No 'control' system. Sorry about misleading you. I will turn it on/off for each flight, being 8min-2hrs. I don't need the Display near as much as I need the audio for the vario. I could put the display to sleep to save battery on long flights.
I did see some chargers that were listed at 5v and 1A. Can I assume that it would safely charge any 5v Lipo at 1ah or lower?
I don't think the DelTino fits my application, but thanks.
I don't think the DelTino fits my application, but thanks.
NO. I had assumed you were flying a radio controlled glider
DON'T make assumptions about LiPo charging - get advice. For example LiPo batteries need to have each cell properly charged. I don't know enough to give advice about them.
You must also be careful not to discharge them too much.
Have you estimated the number of Amp-hrs you will need during a single flight ? Make sure your battery has about 3 times that capacity because battery stickers are very optimistic.
There are many techniques to reduce the energy consumption of an Atmega processor. However much of that does not work with a complete Arduino board because it has other components. If very low power consumption is important you could develop your project on an Uno and then build a final device with a bread-board Atmega 328.
I've ordered various sensor modules and a Nano for playing around. I am doing a little more investigation before I order any battery or charger modules. A friend gave me a nano to play around with until my parts come in. And I understand there is a simulator I can also play with for testing. Here I go...