I am working on an altimeter project and I'm trying to get the code to take an integer value and send it out as a series of beeps on a buzzer. I've got the code working except for some error I believe is associated with the modulo math.
int buzzerPin = 2;
void setup()
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, 0); //make sure the buzzer is off
int beepAltitude = 24245;
char x = 4; //initialize the power of ten variable to 4 (ten thousand)
if(beepAltitude < 10000)
if(beepAltitude < 1000)
x--; //remove the need to parse (and report) higher altitudes if they aren't present
Serial.println(beepAltitude, DEC);
delay(5000); //pause between reportings of the altitude
for(x; x >= 0; x--) //this loop starts at a high power of ten and works down counting the amount of altitude of that power
int divisor = pow(10, x); //calculate the power of ten to report on this run through the loop
char beepCount = beepAltitude / divisor; //count how many there are of that power of ten (thousands, hundreds, etc)
beepAltitude = beepAltitude % divisor; //remove that power of ten once it has been counted (ex: 542 --> 42)
Serial.println(beepAltitude, DEC);
if(beepCount == 0)
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, 1); //long pulse if the number is zero
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, 0);
for(char a = 0; a < beepCount; a++) //this loop makes a beep for each count (ex: 542 would beep 5 times at the 100 power)
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, 1);
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, 0);
delay(750); //longer delay between powers of ten
It beeps out the correct values, but every time it performs the modulo math it adds the integer quotient to the remainder. So the above code yields (on the serial port):
Only the last 2 remainders are the correct math and the code beeps out the incorrect values (2, 4, 2, 5, 3). No matter what values I try, it always adds whatever the quotient would be to the modulo result. Is there something goofy in my code that I'm not noticing? Can you only modulo up to a certain sized divisor? If the reported altitude is off by a few feet it's not critical, but this shouldn't be happening.