hi i am using arduino one and want to see the charge level of the battery.
I'm using an 8v battery and one voltage divider:
vi = 8v,
R1 = 1000
R2 = 1000
I am using this code but not work for me, does not yield the correct values.
any ideas?
const int referenceVolts = 5; // the default reference on a 5-volt board
const int R1 = 1000; // value for a maximum voltage of 20 volts
const int R2 = 1000;
// determine by voltage divider resistors, see text
const int resistorFactor = 255 / (R2/(R1 + R2));
const int batteryPin = A0; // +V from battery is connected to analog pin 0
void setup()
void loop()
int val = analogRead(batteryPin); // read the value from the sensor
float volts = (val / resistorFactor) * referenceVolts ; // calculate the ratio
Serial.println(volts); // print the value in volts