Monitoring 4 Electrical Ports and Email any Changes

Hello, I have been reading these forums for a while now and think I'm ready to tackle my first project.

I have 4 electrical ports (110v) that I want to monitor changes to them. Ports 1 and 2 should be always on and if they turn off I want an email and Ports 3 and 4 are always off and if they turn on I want an email. In the email I just want just the info of what port tripped.

I'm trying to figure out the list of items required for such project and determine if a non-intrusive current sensor is the right option or is there something better? Is there any places in Canada (Toronto) for order boards as I cannot find much in my searches.

Thanks in Advance is a good source for parts. They have arduinos. It can be hard to find stuff there if you don't know what you are looking for.

I got arduino stuff from seeed studios. Ten days from China through the post.

You might find this interesting.

Thanks Jimmy, Good site. That sensor may work as well.

Being totally new to this, it appears as though many go out an purchase the boards and it's just trial and error. Is there any real method to the madness? Programming is not new to me but the hardware sure is :grin:

If you want to send email, then a 5100 ethernet shield from ebay would be a place to start.

I actually like the SeeedsStudio site, nice and clean with lots of info.

Here is my shopping list so far (All Grove)
1 x Base shield (SLD12148P)
4 x Electricity Sensors (SEN23931P)
1 x Water Sensor (SEN11304P)
1 x 5 pack 4 Pin Universal Connectors (ACC11317O)
1 x Blue LED (COM04051P)

From this list I'm missing a power source and the ethernet shield, I'm not sure if the 5100 shield would be compatible with this board?

I've already added one additional function to this project and that is to detect a high water level in a bucket.

The Ethernet shields on the Seeeds site seem very pricey.

I don't see an actual arduino on that list. XD

This might be a good way to go.

:blush: oops I totally missed that

Arduino uno as well, also see the power adapter now too :wink:

Now just need to confirm the ethernet listed earlier from eBay will work