Monitoring voltage and amperage of 1PH AC Motor

I would like to monitor my well pump's amperage and voltage using the Arduino and was wondering if any one else has done this or if any body has an idea on what type of sensors needed. It is 220V 1PH 1HP 60Hz submersible well pump motor which draws about 9.8AMPS (Much higher on start up).

I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this unit could somehow be interfaced with the arduino duemilanove:

Or if someone could offer suggestions on a unit that could be used to do something like this.

After doing some research it appears that I might be able to use the wifly or ethernet shield. I was thinking that maybe I could use a site like Pachube to monitor my data.

I'm just getting into electronics and have been reading a lot of books and forums so sorry if I sound like a complete N00b. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Ya dont need all that, just a voltage transformer and a current transformer to go to 2 analog pins.

For current see thread

For voltage use a wall-wart and a resistor divider as needed.

BTW the wall-wart has to be non-regulated, just a simple transformer-rectifier. The cheeeper the better.

Thank you for the information I will look into both of those, I appreciate your help! Do you know if that product would be interface-able with Arduino? Because it also acts as pump dry run/voltage protection.