How much frequency MOSFET gate can handle without bootstrap driver chip or circuit .
from which frequency onwards MOSFET gate bootstrap driver chip or circuit is mandatory .
How much frequency MOSFET gate can handle without bootstrap driver chip or circuit .
from which frequency onwards MOSFET gate bootstrap driver chip or circuit is mandatory .
The datasheet will tell you.
Device and circuit dependent, but you knew this already.
Well, mosfet gate capacitance is one important parameter. Show your schematic and code for more specific advice.
What does "can handle" mean?
hi, good morning .
i intend setup high speed dc motor with mosfet drive .
uno can can give pwm with fixed frequency 490 Hz and i can use analogwrite to reduce speed .
but many web information saying that mosfet need gate driver ic for higher frequency .
i am going to use irf520 only . irf 520 will mange the 490hz or Need the gate driver ic for proper response.
of course 490hz is not higher frequency . what is the minimum limit for mosftet gate driver ic .
Which is a bad choice.
10volt gate drive only (not ok for Ardiono's 5volt logic) and poor Rds(on) (getting hot).
i have seen many of them using irf520's welcome suggestion to me another logic level mosfet number . which is suitable to arduino for dc motor load .i will order the same part .
"another" is the wrong work, because the IRF520 is not a logic level fet.
"bootstrap" is only needed if you're building a H-bridge with only N-channel fets.
It has got little to do with frequency.
Maybe we can advice you better if you just tell us what are you trying to do.
Logic level MOSFETS IRL540, FQP30N06L, RFP30N06LE will work, IRF520 will not.
MOSFTE dc motor speed control in one direction .
do you think instead of MOSFET i can choose DRV8833 and fix this .
That only needs a single logic-level mosfet, a diode across the load, and a few resistors.
Use the first diagram on this page.
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