Hi everybody... Please i need some help as I'm facing a very confusing problem. I'm working on a H bridge design, in which I want to use P and N type mosfets to control the direction of a motor. I aim at reducing the size and weight of the board as much as I can, so I implemented this design
so that the input signals are from an arduino uno. For this design to work, on of the inputs should be high and the other should be low. As I want to control speed, I give channel A a PWM input signal from arduino, while giving channel be an analogWrite(pin,0) and to reverse the direction all what i need to do is let channel A has a zero PWM input signal and supply the other channel with the required PWM value.
After some searching, i found that in most cases people tend to use logic gates (AND) to introduce the speed signal (PWM) but this would increase the size of the PCB so i decided do as described above.
The problem now is that whenever I try to operate the H bridge with arduino giving PWM input signals, the Mosfets's temperature rocket climbs and it becomes even impossible to touch it. However, when I give it digital inputs (just HIGH and LOW, no PWM), it operates normally and no raise in temperature occurs.
Do anyone have an explanation?