I am currently working on a project which is Motion Detection Camera. The main feature of the project would be that the camera would start recording once it detects motion infront of it. I am thinking of using a PIR sensor to detect motion but I am not sure how to make the camera take a picture once the PIR sensor detect motion. which micro-controller or board could be used and should I use a webcam or a digital camera for the above mentioned project.
If someone can help me with this would be really appreciated.
I am thinking of using a PIR sensor to detect motion but I am not sure how to make the camera take a picture once the PIR sensor detect motion. which micro-controller or board could be used and should I use a webcam or a digital camera for the above mentioned project.
Your not likely to get far trying to control and store images off a webcam using only an Arduino and if the webcam is plugged into a PC then better to use PC software to detect motion and capture stills/video. You could use an Arduino to control a digital camera but you either need a camera that can be externally controlled via a cable or put the camera in a frame and use servos to operate the shutter release.