I would like to connect a standard security system Motion detector to an Arduino for the purpose of logging movement in an area. I would like to know if, when motion is detected, the Arduino board can send this information to software on my pc. I'd like to be able to have protocol set up for both activity, and lack of activity. I am currently working on the software for this project, but I am unsure of how to get the signal to my pc. Can the Arduino board relay information to software other than it's own? The motion detector I have is N.O., but when motion is detected it Closes. Can the Arduino receive a closure of a circuit as an input? How many inputs of this type can it receive? I'd like to have multiple motion detectors.
most security type motion sensors use a 12v DC supply and output 12v till motion is detected then they open a relay so your 12v output would drop to 0 volts
i would say you could monitor the voltage from the sensor and either use a resistor or even better a resistor and Optocoupler to isolate the Arduino from any power spikes
while 120v lighting type motion sensors are backwards they close a relay when motion is detected thus outputting 120v