Motor blinds

Hi all,
I have the following project:
Control my motorized Blinds with Arduino.

I am using a 2 relay board controlled by 2 GPIO (see attached schema).
I am controlling a Blind Motor: two direction motor, 230V, 0,9A, 200W
Relays are: brand: HONG WEI & model: JQC3F-05VDC-C

The logic works, but just after few days I already burned two relays that had to replace.
They remained fixed in the NO position.

Reading other posts, I understood that the problem could be the inductive load that fries the relay.

So, what could be the solution?
a) a RC circuit?
b) a more powerful / different relay model?
c) change the board to something like this:

Any help will be appreciated.

With inductors always a flyback diode, in your case a big one .

Hi ted,
where should I put the diode in my schema?

Oops - diode is go to relay coil

ok, but my problem is not the coil.
The coil works, I hear the click and the led of the board turns on correctly.
Is the relay switch that doesn't work, probably because the contacts of the relay are stuck or melted.

How quickly you switch from forward to reverse, is there a time for motor to stop ?

I switch very slowly.
I also put a delay in the code of 100ms for safety.

is there a time for motor to stop ?

in 100ms

the motor stops immediately.
it's quite a slow motor. it takes 35 seconds to raise the blind.

0.9A is not much, change relay, buy it from not chinese supplier.

can you suggest a relay model that can handle the load?

what about SLA-05VDC-SL-C?

It is a 30A relay on paper should work, 0.9A for the first one 10A (also on paper) is not too much. Chinese quality ???

Consider to use 2 SCR

But the problem is the inductive current non resistive.

I looked again on the drawing - unusual circuit.
R1 NO to Down , GPO arrow up = on, R2 NO to Up, GPO arrow up = ON.