Motor carrier no recognized

I am currently on step 3.5 of the arudino engineering kit r2. I am stuck when I type carrier = motorCarrier(a). The error I get is unable to receive data from the target hardware. I have all the libraries installed but it does not connect. It also sometimes says object must be connected to the serial port. Does anybody know how to fix this.

Try to post a drawing, a sketch and a list of components used... and maybe a paraphrased version of the (copyrighted by Mathworks) instructions.

I did find references to the issue "carrier = motorCarrier(a)"... suggestions being, use arduinosetup and to upload the motor carrier library.

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I also have this problem.

I can install the motor carrier library using arduinosetup and the connection is successful.

But when I try to carrier = motorCarrier(a) I get the error

"Unable to receive data from the target hardware. For MATLAB, reconnect the target hardware, clear the hardware objects and try again."

I've cleared and reconnected 5 times with the same result. Where do I go make sure I have the appropriate drivers installed? I am running this on M1 MBPro with OS 13.4.1

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