Motor control of a joystick


I would like to have a joystick that moves so that someone can follow the movement of the joystick to navigate if they are blind. I am going to need motors to move the joystick in two directions. Any thoughts on what I can use to make the joystick, and what small motors are available?



I'd use a pair of hobby servos. Attach one to each gimbal. Put a spring between the servo-driven part and the handle so the handle can flex without damaging the servos, just in case something knocks the handle.

You might also take a look at 'force feedback' joysticks, and see if one could be modified to your purpose.


Thanks for your feedback. I just started high school and don't really have any engineering experience. Which specific servos could I use to move the joystick on two axes? I looked at a pan and tilt system- could I use that?

Part of this 'Steadicam' project is a set of gimbals that you could adapt to be controlled by servos:

You might look for arcade joysticks on eBay. I got a few not to long ago.